Sunday, December 25, 2011

The Big Apple

Merry Christmas everyone!

I had a splendid time last night at Grandma N's house with my family. Much fun was had visiting with Grandma, Aunts, Uncles, and my own family.

My cake was appreciated by all. As it should be - it took me about 2 days to make since it was the first time I ever made fondant. I didn't make enough fondant to cover the cake (which was the goal), and I was outta time so instead, I used the frosting I had to frost the whole cake white. Then, I dyed different sections of the fondant and made fondant presents to go around the whole base of the cake and a little fondant Christmas tree for the top. I had a lot of fun making it but man dying fondant is a bitch! My arms were so sore! Either my fondant was too tough or I'm too weak. It could definitely be both.

Presents were great. I received some lovely sweaters, some perfume, and Padawan and I received a lovely "Our 1st Christmas" ornament from Grandma N.

In related news, here was last night's dream:

I was visiting Grandma N's "house" only it wasn't a "house" and it was no longer in the suburbs of a regular city. She had a HUGE loft-style apartment in NYC and it was definitely on 5th avenue. I remember Aunt L being there and she and I were helping Grandma N "clean out her closets" even though what we were doing had nothing to do with closets. Her apartment was set up similar to a department store and all of her clothing was on those metal clothing racks, scattered around the HUGE apartment. I found one evening gown that I wanted to keep for myself. It was a black and white velvet, floor-length gown (similar to the one Julia Roberts wore when she won her Oscar...not exactly, but similar). I remember I tried it on and loved it. That was basically my dream.

This morning, Padawan and I exchanged gifts. This didn't take long as we only had a few to exchange. He got me a new digital photo frame, which I appreciate because our old one died. I also love looking at all our photos! He also got me some new pajamas because the last pair he got me (three Christmases ago) are definitely past their prime (but ohhhhhh so comfy!). So now I have two comfy pajamas I can wear!

Now we are off to my parent's house for more festivities!

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