Thursday, June 28, 2012

Dream Round-Up has been just a little bit cRaaZYyyyyy so I haven't been as good about updating. Things are settling down now though and boy do I have some weird dreams to tell you about!

So for my "sun" dream...

It all started off when I was sitting in a little tiny office all by myself. I was sitting at a desk and I was checking my email. I kept waiting for an email from the secretary telling me who was out for the day. She always sent it first thing in the morning and I hadn't gotten it yet so I kept checking my email. (This is something that really does happen where I work although I don't have an office). I still wasn't getting anything so I figured that must mean if she wasn't at work, nobody must be, so I left for the day. When I was outside, people were running around so I asked them why no one was working and it was because.....(get ready for it)......the sun was supposed to turn off that day. Yep, the sun was supposed to turn off. Like a light switch. I went home and opened my pantry door, which was already filled with several months' supplies of food.

That was all I remember. No idea if the sun was ever going to flip back on or not...

My "ocean" dream...

I'm not exactly sure if it took place in the ocean or not but if not an ocean, definitely a big lake with very deep water and this picture is almost exactly what it looked like where there was a swimming contest. I wasn't even in this dream, but yet I was dreaming about other people having this swimming contest. There was a large group of people in the water, probably about 40. They weren't really swimming so much as they were treading water. The people seemed to be split up into 2 groups of 20, separated a little bit, but both by rock outcroppings. On at least one of the rocks, there was definitely a person standing there with a stopwatch, giving directions to the "swimmers." At one point, my "movie" switched gears to go below the water. I watched a man dive down to try to touch "the bottom" although (here's an interesting twist...) he had a mouthful of Scope. Like the mouthwash. He was also holding the empty bottle of Scope while he was diving. (I don't even use Scope so I don't know where that came from).

My "painting" dream...

This one I was in. It was kind of like HGTV's show Design Star (which I used to watch but I haven't seen it in forever). I was with a group of people and we were in a big abandoned factory. We were each given a "room" to design and we were told that the judges would be coming by later to check our work. My room was long and rectangular with super high ceilings. I remember at first I couldn't decide what to do with it. Then, all of a sudden I'm on a ladder, painting. I painted the 2 long walls powder blue and the 2 short walls on the ends of the room burgundy. I had also set my room up with some furntiure. I don't know where it came from or how I put it there but it was just there as I painted. Design-wise it was very poor. The room looked very sparse but I was out of time because the judges were coming. Then, I was in a group of people as we accompanied the judges to every room and my sister was in the group with me. We went to one room that was set up like a dining room and was very tasteful. We then went to another room (although I don't know how it was designed) because I was distracted by a shoe rack on the side near us that had a cute pair of shoes on it. I pointed it out to my sister. She reminded me that we had a plane to catch (????) but that if I was quick, I could take the cute shoes without anyone realizing it. I think I said something along the lines of that's not a nice thing to do....but she assured me that they were just used as a design prop so I snuck them in my bag, then hurried onto the airplane, buckled my seatbelt, and woke up...

My "lion" dream...

So this dream took place at my old childhood home. I was there with all of my cousins and aunts and uncles. I had gone outside and was talking to a woman on the far side of the pool (which is interesting because as a kid - we never played on that side of the pool because it backed up to the woods). Before we knew it, there was a male and female lion trying to attack us (moreso the male lion though). Out of nowhere, there was a neighbor lady there with 2 young daughters and she ran and locked the three of them into the shed we had by the pool. I debated rather to run into the shed with them or if I could make it back to the front door (peeps...the shed was a lot closer to the pool than the front door was). I decided I could probably outrun the lions to the door (HAHAHAHA) and I would be safer in the house than in the shed so I made a run for it and made it! Once I was inside and out of breath, my Dad was there and was asking me what happened. I told him that there were 2 "mountain lions" in our yard. He asked me what kind of mane it had and was I sure that it was a "mountain lion" or some other kind of lion. I think I got kind of hysterical and said "What does it matter? There are LIONS in our yard!" and that's when I woke up.

Even though the attempted lion-attack was scary in my dream, I didn't feel like it was a nightmare. My heart was racing a little bit but I was able to fall right back asleep. I find this interesting though because almost exactly 6 months ago, I had this dream...which took place at this same house and also starred lions, only in that case...the lions were Grandpa N and Grandma A. Strange.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

College in Winter

My brain has been very busy at night this past week. I was having a conversation about this with my friend Roxie yesterday. My life has been very stressful this past week, yet my dreams have been fun-filled and super enjoyable. Her life has been hunky-dory lately and she continues to have bad dreams. Except for very rarely when I was a child, I really don't have bad dreams. I wonder why some people do and others don't. Either way, I told Roxie that my dreams have probably been so crazy and busy this past week because my brain has been trying to heal itself emotionally. I think it's working :-)

Three nights ago...

I had a dream that took place at my Alma Mater. I was there with my Boss (in real life). Together, she and I were designing and implementing the Winter Olympics. Yes, that's right. The Winter Olympics. At my teeny, tiny Alma Mater. We had blueprints and we were looking at them and determining where each event was going to take place. Then, we walked over to a spot where there was a giant, roller-coasted sized ice-luge set up. Boss was saying that we really should test it out to make sure athletes wouldn't get hurt on it so I told her I would be the guinea-pig. I went and got a sled and all my snow gear on and then I went ice-luging (is that a word?)

Two nights ago...

I once again had a dream that I was at my Alma Mater. Rather than being outside like in the previous dream, this one seemed to take place more in the academic/classroom buildings. I remember I kept looking at a wall (you know - where people posts flyers and ads) although I think I was looking at a schedule. I remember I was holding a lot of things in my arms and I knew I was very busy (sounds about right for my life right now!). A dark-haired guy came up to me (seemingly one of my college-mates) and said something to me like "oh you're back again? I'm so glad. I wanted to ask you out before but then we left and I never had the opportunity" (kind of implying I was back at college for round 2). I told him it was a sweet, appreciated compliment, but that I was seeing someone else.

One night ago...

This dream did not take place at college but rather...what seemed kind of like an abandoned office-type factory (I know, that seems like an oxymoron). I remember pulling into the parking lot and it was night time and very dark outside. I parked next to a truck and we were both parked in front of a retaining wall (and just beyond that was a grassy hill with a few trees). The parking lot was lit with street lamps. I was there to do something (although what that was, I'm not sure of now). I entered the building and roamed the halls for a little bit, since I was unsure of where the room I needed was. The halls were white-walled (maybe white bricks?) and the floor was a shiny, grey cement. Oh, and the halls were very, very wide. They were well-lit but very much devoid of anything else. Some of the doors I passed were labeled with what was inside. I passed only one door that was open. It was a large gymnasium and inside, there was a man with probably about 30 kids around him. They were all throwing bouncy balls (and maybe beach balls) up in the air and blasting some music. It looked like they were having a grand old time!

That's all I remember. If I ever ended up in a room or found out what I was doing there, I'm not sure!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Bicycling for Pie

So two nights ago...

I had a dream that I was living in a house down the street from my Mom. We were literally on the same street but it seemed really far away. She kept calling me on the phone to come over and visit her for dinner sometime but I kept saying it would be too far to bicycle (since apparently cars didn't exist in my dream). One night (apparently this dreamed spanned over a week or so) I decided to surprise her and bike on over unannounced. I remember it was 7:00 at night, and it was dark. My "Aunt I" was there with my Mom. They had already had dinner but they were still having pie (I believe it was apple pie). So I stayed for some pie and then I biked back to my house.

I probably dreamt about "Aunt I" because she's coming to town this week for a family event. At some point this week, I was talking to a friend about how it would be fun to ride bicycles (even though I don't have one). As for apple pie, I haven't seen any of that lately or talked about it....I guess I was feeling patriotic??

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Better Days

You know the saying "When God closes a door, somewhere He opens a window?" Well....I'm sorry if anyone out there reading this is super religious but sometimes I think "When God closes a door, sometimes He'll deadbolt it just to tick you off." For a little background:

Here in my life in upstate NY there are different seasons than what you might experience where you live. We have:

  • approximately 4 weeks of "Beautiful Fall"
  • approximately 4 weeks of "It's Winter Even Though the Calendar Says It's Still Fall" Fall
  • approximately 6 months of "Hell Hath Frozen Over And You'll Never Feel Warmth Again" Winter
  • approximately 2 months of "I Refuse to Let Go of Winter" Spring
  • approximately 2 months of "It's So Unbelievably Hot and Humid, You'll Wish It Were Winter" Summer
Sprinkled betwixt the seasons of "I Refuse to Let Go of Winter" Spring and "It's So Unbelievably Hot and Humid, You'll Wish It Were Winter" Summer, is the secret season. The season seemingly only I get to experience year after year after year, without end.

Interview Season

I feel as though I had a particularly bad interview yesterday. I was pretty bummed about it (and still am), which is why I found last night's dream so interesting (I love the human psyche!)

I was in a big conference-like room. (For anyone that went to Middle School with me, it kinda reminded me of the "Squeaky Chair Room.") I was there with a couple of little kids - one of whom I was supposed to be tutoring. She is a real child and is actually one of the kids I work with at my current job. I was tutoring her, and she wasn't "getting it." She started to cry and she was very upset that "it's just too hard" and "she's never gonna get it." I, trying to soothe her, told her that "It's OK. We all have bad days. And we all have good days. Today is over and tomorrow is going to be a good day, okay?" And then literally as soon as that was said, I opened my eyes and woke up.

Way to give yourself a pep-talk, brain! Here's to a better day today! Cheers! *clink* (don't worry - I know it's 7:30 am. It's just my coffee mug!)