Saturday, July 28, 2012

I'm back!!

Sorry I haven't posted in so long! Life got a little cRa&ZYyyYYY for a few weeks there. When life is that crazy, I don't really have too many dreams either.

Thankfully, things have settled down and my dreams are coming back!

First, there was the "boating" dream. Actually, I think it was more about yachts than boats. Anyway...I was at a country club type building (or yacht club). A lot of my former coworkers were there (from different places of my former employment). There were a lot of white clothes and we were all sipping on mixed drinks. We were right on the edge of some body of water and it was a very relaxing and fun atmosphere. I was informing them that I wasn't going to be working with them anymore. They wished me well and we continued on with our merriment - drinking and hanging out by the water.

Then last night, there was the dog dream. It didn't start out like a dog dream though. It actually started out where I needed a place to stay. Somehow, I ended up at the house of L (a former coworker who I am not on good terms with). She was also not in the boat dream with my former coworkers. I remember thinking everything physical was very...pronounced and over-positively exaggerated. Like I remember thinking in the dream that L had such smooth, clear skin and was really pretty (She is pretty in person, but in the dream it seemed over-emphasized). She also kept changing her outfits and I was admiring her dresses and thinking that this one green one looked like the type of clothing you would get at Anthropologie and that it was so cute. Her two children were also in the dream and they were extremely blonde. Not like blindingly blonde, but there was just this  glowing aura around their hair like it was "pure" or something (and her kids aren't even blonde in real life). I was staying at L's house and we were playing in a pool for a large part of the dream. The sunshine was also very exaggerated. It was very bright, but warm and comforting.

Then we skip ahead to where I'm in a field. I'm holding a black puppy that I realize I helped deliver (even though there's no other dog around) and the dog is not all covered in goo. It's fluffy and cute. I start bringing it around to people telling them that it's name is William but I'm going to call it "Willie."

I find it very interesting that I had two dreams about coworkers and they both involved a body of water as well. What do you think that could mean? If it's any help, I recently got a new job offer (so I guess that's why I'm dreaming of former coworkers) but I'm not sure about the water part...

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Moving to North Carolina!

I'm not moving to North Carolina, but that was what my dream was about last night!

In the past few weeks, I've only had 2 dreams that I can still remember to this day (sorry I've been a little busy and forgot to post them).

One was about shoe shopping with Bollweevil. We must have been at a Macy's type store because we had both found a pair of shoes we liked but there was a sign telling us that if we got one more pair, we'd save money so we went shopping for another pair of shoes. I think we settled on a pair of blue wedges although I don't know how the both of us were going to share one pair of shoes.
Another dream was...I was in the backyard of a big house and the backyard was quite expansive. For some reason, in this dream I think I was a child - maybe around 10 years old or so. Apparently, my brother had just died and I was trying to think of a way to memorialize him. I made this plan to build this dirt/flower/stone type contraption in a fire place that was already in the backyard so I asked some adult (I can't think of who it was) to take me to a Lowe's to get some dirt. I remember we went to Lowe's and got the dirt. Then I went back to the fireplace in the backyard. You know what it looked like? Picture a square box. Now take off the top and the panel that would be facing you. So now you have a box with a bottom and 3 sides. That's what it looked like. It was made out of gray stone. I had another panel of gray stone that I stuck vertically right in the middle of the fireplace and then on the two sides of my panel, I filled it in with dirt to keep the middle panel in place. I don't even think I did anything with flowers but I remember looking at this "creation" and feeling how proud I was that I made it and that I had honored my brother.

Last night's dream....Padawan and I were moving to North Carolina because I had gotten a teaching job down there. I remember we were looking at houses with a realtor and they were some nice houses. For some reason, we knew, we could get "more house for our money" down there. Then the realtor showed us one house that cost $55,000 and it was super tiny and we both said that one wouldn't do. Then I told Padawan that I had to leave because I had to go check out the new school I was going to be working at. I get there, and head in to an office. I remember there were lots of staff members in there - maybe having lunch or a party even. I chit chatted with them and they kept telling me how nice I was. Then, the Principal called me into his office and told me that because everyone liked me so much, they weren't going to just make me a teacher. They were offering me the job of Vice Principal, which I took.  Then...I remember sitting in my new office, working. I was thinking I was going to be there until 5:00 and I was thinking that it was going to take me forever to get home and cook dinner for Padawan but my Principal left at 2:00 so I thought "Well if he's leaving, then I'm leaving" and I was driving to our new home thinking "these hours might not be so bad after all."

I probably had the teaching dream last night because today I have another interview for a teaching job. I probably dreamt about the driving and the moving because this district is a little haul from our house so we would probably have to move. I don't know about the North Carolina part though. Either way, maybe it's a premonition that I'll get the job?

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Breakfast Buddies

Last night's dream ONCE AGAIN took place at my childhood home. No lions this time though!

In this dream, my old college friends, JZ & CZ had bought the house and were living in it with their 2 children (Although they are married, they don't have children...although they are expecting one). I'm Facebook friends with them both still, although I don't really talk to them and I haven't seen them in years so I don't know why they made a dream appearance last night. CZ was upstairs doing something - I want to say some kind of carpentry project. JZ was in the kitchen trying to make breakfast for the two kids (who were in the other room) but JZ had one broken arm with a cast going almost up to her shoulder so she needed my assistance bringing the dishes to the kids.

I think I had a dream about breakfast because I had been thinking about trying something new for breakfast today and I was excited about it. I'm a dork, I know.