Thursday, January 5, 2012


Not much too new going on here. I returned to work this week. People's general levels of stupidity never ceases to amaze me. At the very least, it provides entertainment for me in my very, very boring job. (Note to self...need to find a new job!!!) Padawan seems to have shared a cold he had with me. Either that, or I caught something from the people at work. It doesn't feel like it's progressed into the full blown cold status yet - the one where you're miserable all the time - but it is an annoyance in it's current phase. Last night, Padawan encouraged me to take NyQuil (even though I assured him I didn't need it because I can pretty much sleep through anything) but he kept persisting so I took about one third of a normal dose. I think it caused me to have some weird was about my life but it was extremely disjointed (very unusual for my dreams!)...

Padawan had left me for some woman named Amy (that bitch!!!) He told me had had grown out of love with me and was leaving.  At another point in my dream, I found myself looking around at my furniture (not my real furniture but my dream furniture I share with Padawan) and wondering how much money I could get if I sold it. At yet another point in my dream, I saw my first boyfriend ever (The Politician - who I haven't spoken to in 14 yrs) climbing a rocky cliff in the desert. (So really my brain was just trying to dream of as many meanings of the word desert as possible). Either way, I woke up around 1:30 right after having this disjointed dream and felt incredibly sad at the thought of Padawan leaving me, especially for another woman. Thankfully, it was only a dream and I was able to drift off again! I'm definitely not taking NyQuil tonight!

Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday! I already need a few days of relaxation and hopefully kicking this cold officially in the behind! Now, I'm going to go veg and catch up on my trashy TV shows that weren't on TV for 2 weeks! Hooray for the lazy American dream!

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