Monday, January 2, 2012

Whale of a good time

Yesterday was a very ho-hum day. I took down all of the Christmas decorations, which never happens right after New Year's. I usually postpone this as long as possible. It's true that we might have had a Christmas wreath on our door one year until March. But yesterday I was feeling productive so I completely de-Christmased the apartment. I also did a thorough cleaning of the kitchen, did some laundry, and watched 2 or 3 episodes of 16 and pregnant as a guilty pleasure. As another guilty pleasure, I didn't get out of my pajamas all day long. So it's only fitting that I had such an interesting dream last night. It was more like a movie than about anything personal. I was not in it, nor did it have anything to do with me. It was quite entertaining though...

A "local" high school boy had been a whale. It was all over the news. Yes, news reporters were flocking the neighborhood, covering the latest tidbit of news - broadcasting his grieving parents to televisions all over the town. It was later discovered that this news report was not factual, at least not all of it. The boy was not dead. It turns out he had faked his own death because.....he forgot to turn in a homework assignment (This just goes to show how lame I am because missing your homework is grounds for fake suicide). The part that was real....was the whale! Yes, this boy had a PET in his inground pool in the backyard. (Who doesn't have a full grown pet whale?) There was actually very little water in the pool, as the whale took up most of the space. His parents understood why he faked his death (????) but they made him apologize to the whale, for the whale's feelings were very hurt. And that's how Free Willy my dream ended.

Ah, my brain is so funny. As for right now, they who predict the weather are predicting a "lot" of snow for us tonight/tomorrow. Uncharacteristically, this will be the very first "real" snow of the season (and it's unseasonably late!). Naturally, everyone is acting as if this isn't New York, they've never seen snow, and the world is going to end (although if you ask my Mother, she'll tell you we have approximately 353 days left). I'm going to celebrate by watching another guilty pleasure - the return of the Bachelor! Ah cheesy, staged fake-romance, how I missed thee!

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