Saturday, January 14, 2012

Ol' Southener

Well it's been a super busy week! Which is odd, because in this last year, with my super lazy job, I don't really have busy weeks anymore. But this week, I had doctor appointments, an interview for a job (which I didn't get....shocker), and all that lead up to my birthday this weekend (you know - a girl's gotta go out for all her free dinners and drinks!).

Tangent: It's my last day of being in my 20's today *quietly sobs*. Yeah right! I'm not one of those people lamenting that my 20's are gone. Maybe because I was never a wild child to begin with but I'm very much looking forward to what my 30's have in store for me!

So anyways...busy week...and I slacked on posting some of my dreams, which I'm a little ashamed of. Including the one last weekend where I was working in a restaurant and was all kinds of frustrated because I couldn't make an omelet correctly. (Because you know...if you don't make an omelet're just having a rough go in life!) Admittedly, I also had a few dreamless nights this past week (which is very unusual for me). I was very tired this week though (Gawd, those 30's are creeping up on me already!). Maybe I was too tired to dream!

Which wouldn't make much sense because last night I was EXHAUSTED by the time I went to bed and I had big, long dream. So big and long in fact that even when I got up at 5:00 to pee (dammit, 30!!!!) and went back to bed, I still continued the same dream! How often does that happen, huh?

Now, be forewarned. This dream also places a large emphasis on houses (I don't know what the hell my brain is up to lately). I could have understood it if I had a rash of house-dreams last year, when we had cable and I watched HGTV almost exclusively but we don't anymore and I don't watch HGTV ever anymore *really sobs* Maybe I'm in HGTV withdrawal?!?!?! Anywho, here was my 2nd-to-last 20's dream:

I was driving "out west" only really I was going somewhere like Missouri or Alabama or Mississippi. Stop calling my technicalities! It's ever so slightly in the westward direction but indeed I was driving "out west." I remember my car (I believe a station wagon) was packed with lots of things so apparently, I was going there to stay. When I arrived, there were quite a few women in the house although I don't know who these women were. All of a sudden, I was on the 2nd floor, looking out a window with some other girl/woman and we were admiring the vast sky. It was a cloudy day. The clouds didn't look too ominous but I hurriedly told the girl that I was getting the hell outta dodge because "Them there be tornader clouds!" (ok I didn't say it like that) I don't think I ever went and hid anywhere, but the clouds did change a few colors of brownish/greenish but no tornado (or tornader) ever did come. Fast forward in my dream, and suddenly the girls/ladies of the house and I are painting it - getting the house sell-worthy. I was in the kitchen, helping them paint. We went with mostly white sprinkled with splashes of super-loud neon lime green. And then while we were still painting, another woman (with a blonde bouffant, a cardigan tied around her shoulders and a purse over her arm) came in to see the house. It was my job to show her the upstairs so up we went. We got to one of the bedrooms and there wasn't much in the way of furniture (just a bed and one dresser) but on top of the dresser there were several photo frames (apparently, my dream-girls didn't watch HGTV and learn about staging and de-personalizing your house!) Interestingly, all the pictures are of women as well. There are two pictures of myself and Bollweevil although in one picture there's two other women with us and I don't know who they are. The bouffanted woman bends over to closely inspect one of the photos and it's me holding a baby girl (even though I don't remember there being a baby in the house). She seems to be acting all judgey-judgerson about it and I was all "What?! Are you offended that I have a child?" That promptly led to the bouffanted woman leaving the house.

Tangent: This is the 2nd dream in the past year that I've had a dream about having a baby. Both times it was a girl and she looks the same exact way. She's gotta chubby little cheeks (then again, don't they all?) but she has black hair (I have red, Padawan has brown/black) and lighter colored eyes (either blue, green, or lighter brown). I find this completely freaky. If it happened just once, that's one thing but to see the SAME baby in TWO dreams?! And no it doesn't mean I'm pregnant because there are things lined up specifically so there is no possible way I'm pregnant right now (or was when I had the other dream). All I know is that if we ever have children and it's a girl and it looks like my dream baby, I'm gonna be freaked out. And demand that I win like $10 billion for correctly predicting what my child will look like.

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