Friday, January 6, 2012

Painting Houses

I've been dreaming a lot about houses and moving lately and the colors of my residences have been very prominent and important in my dreams lately. I'm not sure why that is!

Last night, Padawan and I were looking for a house. We seem to be looking in the old neighborhood my Grandpa N and Grandma A used to live. As it was/is sort of a "ghetto" area, I was very concerned about the possible violence in the area. We walked past one house that had a lovely wrap around porch. In front of the main door, there was a hanging lamp that had inscribed in it something about "police investigation" (Because inscribing a lamp is so much easier than just putting up that silly caution tape!) We eventually settled on a corner house - a large 2-story home that was clearly older but had nice woodwork and "character." I had decided my first order of business would be to paint. Billy had come over to help us paint and Cheryl also made an appearance, although she didn't do/say anything. (First time dream appearances for both!) Billy started painting the main foyer area, which also seemed to be some type of sitting room. He was painting swatches of lots of different colors to see which one would look right. I was focusing on styling a living room in a different part of the house, which was done in black and white modern designs (so not my style!) and had lots of framed pictures of Padawan and I all around the room. I went to the foyer area to check on Billy and I had to yell at him because he was painting phallic symbols on our wall and thought it was humorous (I don't think this means anything - Billy would do something stupid like that in this kind of situation. That's just what he does).

I'm so glad it's the weekend! Lots of laziness planned for this weekend!

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