Sunday, January 15, 2012

Have cake and eat it too!

So I am officially 30 today! I am having a very low-key 30th. We had craptastic snow the last two days but today has actually been quite sunny and beautiful (as beautiful as it can be for a cold winter day). Padawan and I went out to breakfast at Dunkin Donuts. Since then, I've been watching guilty pleasures (such as Teen Mom) while he has been cleaning the apartment (and refusing to let me help, even when I offered). Right now he is off grocery shopping (because again - he knows I despise it). What's funny is that before he went to the grocery store, he asked me if he should buy me a cake for my birthday. In the almost 4 years that we've been together, he's not once bought me a cake for anything. We've bought cake just because we felt like it, and I've certainly made cakes but he's never gotten me a cake, let alone a birthday cake. Did he know what I was dreaming about last night???

Last night's dream didn't make much sense story-wise, but I know it's main character was cake. I was at my friend Hattie's house (although it wasn't her real house now - in fact, it resembled my Grandpa N and Grandma A's old house). I opened up about 3 refridgerators and in each one was a cake. I remember that one of them (the one I remember most clearly) was a sheet cake and the actual "cake" material was a deep rosy-pink. I don't remember if it had any decorations or candles on top but I do remember that it was eaten by about half. 

Like I said - not much to it, but I know there was lots of cake!

We'll see what kind of cake Padawan brings home. Tonight the laid-back birthday continues. We'll probably get take out from one of our favorite restaurants - P.F. Chang's (or if we're feeling brave enough for the crowds maybe we'll go there). Then, we'll probably watch a movie and enjoy my cake. I know it's not a crazy, party-filled birthday but it's exactly what I want and I love it! :-)

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