Sunday, January 1, 2012

Not the pink room!!!

Happy 2012 everyone! I hope everyone out there had a fun and safe evening. Padawan and I had our typical, low-key New Year's. In the afternoon, we headed over to my parent's house. We used to do Christmas festivities with my Mom's (New York) side of the family on Christmas afternoon but now that a bunch of us cousins are grown up and married and starting to's been moved to New Year's Eve. It's funny now because when my cousins and their spouses are means we have 3 vegetarians/vegans at the house and my Mom has to go out of her way to please everyone. It's in her nature. Never mind that that side of the family NEVER goes out of their way for us (not that we have any special requirements) but I know they don't/wouldn't go out of their way for us. But here was my Mom making 3 separate main dishes for lunch, just so everyone could eat. Wonder Woman. Nothing special or new to report, other than that The Vegans are expecting their 1st child. They got pregnant 2 months after getting married. I'm all about "when you have the right person, you know" (obviously, since they got married) but GEEZ give it some time to settle down and get used to being tied together legally before you start reproducing. With the exception of The Vegans (who I'm not too fond of because they are the pushy type), I get along really well with my cousins and so does Padawan. The enjoyment was short lived however. Festivities with that side of the family always last for very short periods of time. Even though they're all adults - for some reason when one of them leaves, it's like an exodus and they all leave together. Saturday's activities lasted for 90 minutes. Not even. Slightly shorter than 90 minutes. That just seems rude. Like a "Thanks for the grub! See ya!" We barely even visited. But like I said, that's that side of the family for ya!

Padawan and I stayed around for 2 more hours to hang out with my family - listened to my Mom explain how there were only 355 days until the aliens destroyed us all, had ourselves a giggle, etc. Soon, we were back home and feeling lazy! Too lazy to cook even! Padawan wanted to go to P.F. Chang's (our favorite restaurant) but being as it was New Year's AND a Saturday...that wasn't about to happen. So instead, we broke out our lazy-dinner (TGIF's pasta/chicken/broccoli frozen dinner which is surprisingly delicious). Poured ourselves a couple of glasses of wine, popped in Sherlock Holmes #1 (to prepare ourselves for #2) and settled in for a nice, quiet evening. We were in bed by 10:30! Oh we're so wild. That night, in my dreams...

I had a dream that I was moving. I don't know why or anything else behind it, but I was moving and was having a hard time finding a place to stay. At one point, I had checked out a houseboat that some snobby girls (reminiscent of the Kardashians) were living on, so I promptly ruled that out (never mind the fact that I am terrified of boats). Eventually, my friend Rick (I don't have a friend named Rick...) let me rent out a room in his ranch-style house. He showed me to my room - which was a big point of the dream. The room was bubble-gum pink. This frustrated me to no end and I couldn't get over the fact that this room was sooooooo pink. But I had no other choice, since my houseboat plan had fallen through.  Yes, I was stuck with the Barbie-pink room. I remember I moved with only a garbage-bag full of belongings but in a "few days" (several seconds later in my dream), a truck arrived to deliver the rest of my belongings -  a stainless steel refrigerator and...that's it. A fridge. We had to take out Rick's fridge and place mine in the kitchen. It was a really big fridge too, we had a difficult time getting it in there. And that was my big move.

Now granted, I'm sure I dreamt about moving since I had just recently helped Roxie move but it was still a little strange.

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